Sunday, October 28, 2012

Oh, Technology

it's that feeling you have when a person you love confided his/her problems and worries to you, but you totally run out of words to calm him/her down. not even hug emoticons are enough to represent your point, that you may not be able to provide solutions, but all you can offer is a mere hug.

ever having a hard time to send a text for a person in grief? ever having the urge to hug them instantly, but all you can give is a smiley hug? literally -- a smiley hug with smile on it. ever trying to make your point clear by sending long sentences in one text, only to know that there are some errors in the sending so all you send is a "some-text-missing" text?

Oh, technology. it helps you communicate -- but it comes with certain borders and limitations.

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